
Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

First grade came in again to work on portraits. They compared two master artists' portraits and continued on their own portraits.

116 continued to work on their portraits as well.  We began to compare two artists, but they were more interested in working on their drawings, so we'll take that in small steps, a little each time.

104 Group B came in and worked on their portraits.  This is the group that used wood blocks as stands for the mirrors.  They insisted immediately that they need their wood blocks before they could work.  They don't forget anything! 

103 and 101 came in after that and we did the "Can you make a face?" provocation with the loose parts. The students love playing with the pieces and we made many more faces this time. 



They sorted the parts at the end of the class.  This group was able to sort
the pieces correctly according to what the material was.

118 Group B:

I'm really proud of this group because they started today.  Their period was longer than the other groups- closer to an hour- and they used it wisely.  These look pretty great for a first portrait of the year.  We will work on coloring next, as I think we are ready to work on improving our coloring technique, now that we've made such progress with drawing. 

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