112- The students continued to work on their guides to the animals of the valley nature trail. David's fish is almost finished. Marilian has completed her page for the book. I'm hoping to have these finished by next class. Then, it's onto the creation of Fairy Houses.
116- We took the students out to the field behind the school to find grasses, twigs, leaves, and other found materials for their fairy house. The field of tall grass and weeds was really fun to explore.
120- We began the creation of our first fairy house! The students created a door, window, and lights out of pinecones. There is a chair for the fairy on top, made from seashells. She has a slide to get down from the top of the house and they are going to build stairs or a ladder next time.
The door to the fairy house. Also visible are the pine cone lanterns. |
A slide for the fairy to get down from the roof. |
102- I continued to work with the students on creating wire sculptures of leaves.
104- The students began their fairy house. We read a book about a tiny person (maybe a fairy?) who takes care of seeds. This book ties in nicely with their study of plants. We then looked at the illustrations to see how the fairy in the book uses natural materials to create things she needs, like her home, a boat, and lanterns.
The fairy house has windows, stairs, a slide and a door. |
The fairy has a slide complete with stairs on one side. |
These are stepping stones in case the fairy's wings get wet, making it hard for her to fly. |
Two fairy houses in the works... |