
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week of October 20-24

I hope to get back to daily blogging, but I've been doing a lot of the behind-the-scenes work preparing for two big events for our school- Open House and the Albright-Knox Art Gallery exhibition.

The banner for the introductory panel is ready!

I had a conversation today that was completely unprompted and I thought it was touching.

R- Is this art?
Teacher- What do you think?
R- I don't know.
Teacher- Well, what is art? 
R- I think it's a form of art. 
Teacher- What makes it art?
R- I made it so people can see it and realize how art it is. That it is art and they can make one if they want to. 

Teacher- What makes something art?
J- Art is when you paint stuff like paper, doing a building, drawing a country or a city, you need to put a lot of details on it so it looks beautiful and nice. And put your name on it so when your father comes to school he will say, "Hey! That's my son!" and be proud of you. 

R-If I put this on the wall at the art center, people will get to see it and write about it in their notebook. And that's true art. 

Teacher-Would it still be art if it's not at the art center?
Yes, you can just make art from something so people can see everything that you made. 

Teacher- Do you think art is the same to everyone?
Not everyone. A few people like you would see a puppet that I make with paint as art. Some people would not think it's art because they think art isn't true.  Because if you go to school and you learn a lot about art, then you know.

It's a form of art.


  1. just found your super happy!
    I teach a reggio inspired STEAM lab at my school in SoCal. I see the K-2 students only...I am wondering if you post anything about your schedule...

  2. Hello! I know the feeling of searching the internet for someone like me. I'm the only one of my kind in the area! I teach six classes a day, grades pre-k to second. My group size depends on the projects we are working on. Sometimes, I take the whole group and the teacher pushes into the atelier. Other times, I push into their rooms. Typically, I'll pull small groups to work in the atelier. The group size is larger for simpler provocations and smaller if we're working on something really intense. Sometimes I take half-classes. I just really base it on what we're doing that day. I am different from a studio visual arts teacher (which I was for eleven years before this) in that I rarely take whole group. I'm a support for the classroom teachers and work closely with them.

  3. Thanks. I am learning as I go! But, I only have 40 minutes with each group (I take 1/2 class at a time, once a week)..I also see about 5-6 groups a day, depending on the day of week. That makes 340 kids, so I am trying to figure out how to manage on going projects? I feel like everything needs to be finished that session...

    1. I just noticed your comment. Remember that a big part of this is process not product. My projects take weeks sometimes, but each step is an important part and worth the time it takes.
