We are back for another year of Reggio-inspired, inquiry learning at School 33!
Here's what we've been up to so far:
Pre-K is just getting used to being in the studio. They created portraits of themselves using loose parts. They looked for lines and created portraits with finger paint. They explored lines with pipe cleaners and tried drawing and painting them. They looked for the lines that are in their names.
The students are already starting to tell stories using the art materials. I sat with a small group and asked the students to look at their portraits and tell me about themselves. It turned into a discussion about camping. We are going to see where an exploration of this topic will lead the students. We are planning a nature hike to "camp" in the Valley Nature Trail, where we will set up real tents!
M- I live with dad and my momA- I live with my mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa.Teacher- Amali, did you forget someone?A- I don't think so.Teacher- What about that guy? [I point to her brother, who is in her class!]A- C? Oh, yeah.J- I go camping.A- Dada and Mama go camping.Teacher- What's the best part about camping?A- You can do fire for marshmallows.G- I go camping at my dad's house, at his backyard.Teacher- What do you do when you're camping?Have you ever been to the woods?J- I was walking in the woods.M- I was walking near my house with my mom.A- I was walking in the woods.J- I went camping in the woods with marshmallows.Teacher- Where do you sleep when you camp?G- In a tent! We were in the jungle, with my dad.Teacher- Were you pretending?G- Yes, we heard parrots!J- You heard parrots?G- Yes.J- Them come to my house.A- Parrots come to Reya's house. Only our Reya.M- My mom has parrots.Teacher- What do you eat when you go camping?M- My mom makes pizza. For breakfast.G- We had marshmallows and pizza it was burned in fire.Teacher- Did you see any animals when you went camping?G- I heard the wolfs and I heard a spider.J- I didn't see no spiders at camp but they was crawling on me really fast.Teacher- Do you like spiders or are you scared of them?J- I like them. I like to pick them up. Do you like spiders?Teacher- I'm a little scared of them.J- They are friends. They're nice friends.
This was one of the loose part artworks created while talking about our camping experiences.
Another story came out while a student, J, was exploring lines with black paint. I noticed that he was placing his marks with intent and purpose. Ms. Hernandez asked him about his painting. He told her, in Spanish, that there was a mother and father and a snake and a mother. At first, we didn't understand why he drew the mother twice, but he explained that one mother is a human mother and the other is the SNAKE'S mother. He told us that the snake was going to "line up" behind his mother, the way we line up at school when we travel through the halls. This shows an understanding of the word "line" in both contexts- making a line with art supplies and standing in line with other people- and it shows that he recognizes that lines can be used to represent things, in this case, a snake. We decided that we were going to ask the other students for their stories during our next class together, and see if anyone else has a tale to tell.
A snake, its mother and a mother and father. |
Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade are all working on their identity walls. Each student is drawing a portrait, reviewing portraiture, redoing their portrait, coloring it to match their actual skin, hair and eye colors, then tracing it on acetate and painting it. The result will be two finished portraits- the regular crayon drawing for their classroom identity wall and the acetate version for the school entranceway. Every student in the building, from pre-k through eight, will eventually complete an acetate portrait for the entranceway, so when you come into School 33 you are greeted by the beautiful faces of our students.